We offer a variety of training for you, your family, and pets:
- Private instruction for handlers looking for a baseline of vocabulary for your dog(s): sit, down, stand / stays. Leash work-walking-jogging (3 types: casual, alert and attention) Perimeter training for your property.
- Instruction for an effective praise technique that will begin your training
- Behavior and dog development training for both over-reactive or shy dogs
- Group interaction training for advanced handling and socialization
- Certification - training for therapeutic use and AKC's Canine Good Citizen evaluation
- Training for Therapeutic Animal Interaction (TAI) through Creatures and Kids, Inc.© (CKI) www.creaturesandkids.org
- Personal training for Service Dog and preparation for PSD's
- Water rescue, agility type game training, along with family search games
- Evaluator for AKC's CGC program©
- A Good Dog....is a trained dog - Established in 1990. Client referrals available
- Member of Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) - since 2003
PLEASE CALL - to find a day and time that fits your schedule
Phone: 405-478-8550
e-mail: agdinokc@live.com
Private instructor, and specialized home visits for the Oklahoma City and metro areas.